In addition, the university is honoring its 2020 graduates by inviting them to participate in these commencement events. These alumni were unable to have an in-person graduation ceremony in 2020 due to the global coronavirus pandemic, and many have elected to return.
“We congratulate our graduates, who have persevered through a global pandemic and uncertainty to complete their degrees,” said Dr. Scott Hummel, Tusculum’s president. “They will, of course, face other tough moments in their lives, but their resilience and determination will prepare them to meet those challenges head on. We are honored to count them as our newest alumni and know their experience will inspire those who follow them to continue pursuing their dreams.”
The graduation schedule is:
Tusculum is scheduled to hold the ceremonies in Pioneer Park but will move them to Pioneer Arena if inclement weather is expected.
The university decided to hold three ceremonies as a way to give students a chance to graduate in person while also reducing crowd size as a safety measure in light of the pandemic. Tusculum surveyed its graduates to inquire how many of them wanted to participate in an in-person ceremony and learned many of them did.
“The opportunity to hear their name and receive a diploma in public in front of their family is a significant moment for our graduates, and we are thrilled to accommodate them with these ceremonies,” said Dr. Tricia Hunsader, Tusculum’s provost and vice president of academic affairs. “They have worked hard to achieve this milestone and have earned this moment in the spotlight, which will stay with them for the rest of their lives as a special memory.”
Students who elected to graduate virtually will be able to watch the graduations via live stream. Immediately after the live ceremony concludes, the university will display their names and show photos of those who submitted one on the screen. During the 2020 virtual ceremonies, Tusculum recognized all graduates by reading their names and showing photos.
“These graduates have also dedicated their college years to accomplishing their academic goals, and we applaud them for their diligence,” Dr. Hunsader said. “While they will not be with us in person that day, they will be part of the 227-year legacy of Tusculum University and will make us just as proud as they move to the next stage in their lives.”