Computer Science


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Information Technology Concentration

Software Engineering Concentration

Computer Science

The Computer science major is a versatile and valuable program of study that will have its effects throughout all aspects of society. Computer science students are always in high demand thanks to their broadly applicable training in problem solving, critical thinking and quantitative reasoning.

Tusculum University offers two concentrations within the computer science program – information technology and software engineering – that prepare students to be career-ready professionals in growing fields that pay well.

Computer science graduates can pursue careers in various industries such as business automation, game development, government, cyber security, web development, ecommerce, geolocations, and more. The logical and quantitative reasoning skills in the major are some of the best transferable skills a student can develop during their college career.

This program is also designed to meet the needs of students who wish to pursue graduate study in computer science, information technology and related fields.


Earning the degree and minors

Students at Laptops

To earn the Bachelor of Science in computer science at Tusculum University, students must complete the computer science core curriculum. In addition, students will select several electives, which will allow them to focus their studies in an area of their interest within reason.

Additionally, computer science students often take elective courses which allow them to focus on certain topics. This can qualify them for a minors in: web development, mathematics, and/or game design. Additionally students may instead choose to pursue a computer science minor in addition to their existing major, consisting of 17-18 semester hours of coursework (about six courses).

The computer science major consists of a broad selection of computer science topics, ranging from math, to databases, data structures, algorithms, ethics, programming languages and security. Students also select a small number of major electives, spanning areas such as web development and mobile application development. The major is finished by a capstone project, which can be a substantive programming project or a research project under the supervision of the computer science faculty.

Program highlights include:

  • Wide variety of major courses
  • Senior capstone
  • Paid summer research opportunities
  • Faculty expertise in both research and industry experience
  • Opportunities to become peer mentors and tutors
  • Computer science and math club: The Pi-oneers
Computer science logo

Meeting our mission

Equip Career Ready Professionals Icon

Computer science students are prepared to solve critical problems in in multiple industries and to work across disciplines. Students build the necessary experience by working in collaborative projects and building experience through their learning to work on substantive projects. They learn from working on a growing complexity of projects both individually and as part of a team, so that they have as close to real world experience as they can, upon graduation.

Enrich Personal Lives Icon

Students are provided opportunities to engage with one another through peer mentorship and tutoring, along with the Pi-oneers computer science and math club.

Active and Experiential Education Icon

Students constantly learn from industry professionals, whether they are their instructor or an outside speaker. A series of projects and research prepares the student for future classes, graduation and their professional lives. The curriculum culminates in a senior capstone project, where students work together to develop a substantial project.

Program Success

Computer Science students routinely achieve highly at Tusculum, including recognition for scholastic achievement within the university. While we are a relatively new program, we have had several graduates progress to graduate school in different majors, including engineering, computer science and accounting

We provide a strong foundation for you to start your next pursuit including:

  • Mobile App Developer
  • Game Developer
  • Application Developer
  • E-commerce
  • Web Developer
  • Cyber Security
  • Database Development and Administration
  • System Analyst
  • Cloud Developer
  • Research Scientist


Yearly Salary

The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects an increase of 15% in computer and related careers through at least 2031 with a median salary of over $97,000, which is about twice the median annual wage for all occupations. (