Do you have an unusual or special circumstance that prevents your FAFSA from being the best possible representation of your situation?

Unusual Circumstances:
Are you unable to provide parent information on the FAFSA due to one of the following reasons:
– You or your parent are incarcerated
-You have left home due to an abusive or threatening environment
-You have been abandoned by or estranged from your parents and have not been adopted
-You were granted refugee or asylee status and are separated from your parent, or your parent are displaced in a foreign country
-You are a victim of Human Trafficking
-You do not have a safe, stable place to live
-You got married recently
-You are otherwise unable to contact or locate your parents and have not been adopted.
If you are have one of these circumstances or a similar circumstance, please fill out the Dependency Override Form below and submit it to the Office of Financial Aid along with a personal statement and supporting documentation/letters.

Special Circumstances:
Have you had a change in financial circumstances that the tax data may not be accurate on the FAFSA? Have you had any of the following circumstances occur:
– Loss of Employment/Pay Cuts
-Tuition Expenses at an elementary or secondary school
-High amounts of medical or dental expenses not covered by insurance
-A family member who became unemployed
-Other changes to income or assets that may affect your ability for federal student aid.

If you have one of these circumstances or a similar circumstance, please fill out the Professional Judgment Form Below and submit it to the Office of Financial Aid along with a personal statement and supporting documentation. 

24-25 Dependency Status Appeal Form

24-25 Professional Judgment Request Form