Preparing Purposeful Citizens
The Division of Humanities prepares students for lives of engaging and purposeful citizenship. Our programs foster empathy, critical thinking, and collaborative work.
A Diverse Range of Academic Offerings
We offer four majors, four Associate degree concentrations, nine minors, and four academic departments. Our faculty do not just prepare students for specific jobs. Instead, we equip them with skills needed for any career. With degrees in humanities, and fine arts, our students learn to think independently and navigate the unknown.
Exciting Opportunities for Students
Our students have many unique opportunities. They publish creative and scholarly works, work for an international literary review, and run an art gallery. Some even design Ford Mustangs. Others intern at nonprofits, law offices, and with D.C. politicians. Additionally, our students travel to places like Austria, Barcelona, Iceland, Ireland, and London. These experiences help them build a strong portfolio and gain real-world experience.
Annual Events to Enrich Your Experience
Each year, the Division of Humanities hosts and co-hosts many exciting events. These include the Cicero Lecture, Celebrating Diversity Week, the African American Read-In, and the Honors Ceremony. These events enrich the academic experience and create a sense of community.
Successful Alumni Across Various Fields
Our graduates achieve success in many fields. They become award-winning authors, international journalists, Hollywood actors, lawyers, law professors, teachers, professors, librarians, editors, journalists, politicians, historians, advertisers, designers, and even undertakers. This shows the versatility and value of a Division of Humanities education.
Join Us on Your Journey
At the Division of Humanities, Tusculum University, we prepare you to think for yourself and navigate the unknown. Join us to start your journey of intellectual growth and purposeful citizenship.