Vendor Information

Vendor Information

January 21, 2025


Dear Friends of Tusculum,


We are so excited to be preparing for the 28th Old Oak Festival and hope that you will consider participating!  At Tusculum University, we take pride in the community in which we live and look forward to YOU joining as a vendor. 


Please read the information carefully as several changes are taking place in order to enhance the festival and to make the experience simplistic and successful for you.


Changes for 2025 Old Oak Festival

After taking in feedback from last year’s festival, we have decided to make some changes to the vendor and author locations. Vendors will have the option to be inside Pioneer Arena or outside on the quad in front of Niswonger Commons. Authors will be in the lobby of Pioneer Arena. Food trucks, food vendors, and box trailer vendors will be in the same location as previous years. More details of locations are listed below.


Location of setup:

  • Authors’ Row will be located in the Pioneer Arena Lobby inside the Scott M. Niswonger Commons.
  • Box trailer vendors will be set up in the parking lot at Scott M. Niswonger Commons.
  • Food truck or trailer vendors will be set up in the parking lots between McCormick Hall and the Scott M. Niswonger Commons.
  • All other vendors such as artisans will have a choice of inside or outside location.
  • Inside vendors will be in the Pioneer Arena inside Niswonger Commons.
  • Outdoor vendors will be in the quad area in front of Niswonger Commons.

Festival times open to the public:        

                Saturday, April 26 – 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

                Sunday, April 27 – 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

NOTE:  All vendors, other than entertainment, must stay until the festival concludes on Sunday.


Entry fees: (Entire Weekend)

Indoor Artisans/Vendors, 10 x 10 space $80 Additional spaces may be reserved at $80 each.

                Outdoor Artisans/Vendors,10 x 10 space $75.  Additional spaces may be reserved at $75 each.

  • Tusculum Alumni discount price for indoor 10 X 10 spaces $55 and the outdoor 10 X 10 space is $50

Authors’ Row vendors, 6 x 6 space $50. Additional spaces may be reserved at $50 each.

Box trailer vendors, $120

Food truck or trailer, $120


  • Complete the online registration form at or scan the QR Code. If the hyperlink does not work, please copy and paste the link into your web browser.               
  • No spaces will be reserved without payment



There are two options for payment. 


To pay online: 

  1. Please visit Giving to Tusculum,  
  2. Once on the Giving to Tusculum page, enter the amount of the vendor registration fees
  3. Select Old Oak Festival from “Please use my donation for”” dropdown menu
  4. Enter your billing information
  5. In the personal note section, please list the name of the business or vendor
  6. Enter credit card information
  7. Hit Donate Now

If you prefer to pay by check, physical payment can be mailed to:


Greg Fay

Tusculum University

P.O. Box 5042

Greeneville, TN 37745


Checks need to be made payable to Tusculum University. Please include the name of the business and contact person with any physical payments. 


If you prefer to pay with cash, please contact Greg Fay at 423-636-5093 to make arrangements.


Once online or physical payment is received, vendors will be emailed a receipt and confirmation. 



Arrival time as a vendor: 

The drive-thru registration will once again be set up at the historical Old Oak tree, located beside the Andrew Johnson Museum, off of Gilland Street. (same as 2024)


  • Artisans/Vendors will check in at the drive-thru registration, unload, and set up from

5:00 – 8:00 p.m. on Friday, April 25th  

  • Authors’ Row vendors will check in at the drive-thru registration, unload, and set up from

4:00 – 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 25th  

  • Food trucks will check in at the drive–thru registration, Saturday morning from 8:00 – 9:00 a.m.
  • Box trailer vendors will check in at the drive-thru registration, Saturday morning from

            8:00 – 9:00 a.m.


We hope to have a large number of student volunteers to help you unload on Friday evening and pack up on Sunday. However, in the event volunteers are unavailable when you come to setup, we encourage you to bring dollies, wagons, etc. with you.  Once you are unloaded and your merchandise has been moved to your designated space, you must then move your vehicle to the designated parking lots.  Vehicles left in the unloading zones after the unloading times may be towed, as this causes a disruption to the flow of traffic.


Please treat our student volunteers with upmost respect as they are volunteering their time to help you unload your merchandise. Anyone disrespecting the student volunteers will be asked to leave the premises. We have been told that the Old Oak Festival is the only one to offer unloading assistance, and for that, we are very proud!


 Where to UNLOAD at your designated time:

  • All vendors (artisans, food, authors, box trailers, entertainment) should enter the festival from the Gilland Street entrance (road directly across the street from Tusculum Baptist Church). Then, take the first left up a slight hill and proceed. Stop at the drive-thru registration tent. There you will be given a packet of information including a campus map. 
  • Artisan/Vendors and Authors – From registration, you will continue up the hill and to a stop sign. Go straight at the stop sign pull up to the curb in front of Niswonger Commons. Volunteers will be available to help and to show you where your space is located.
  • Food trucks – From registration, you will continue up the hill and to a stop sign. Go straight at the stop sign and take the very next driveway to the left.  You will park your food truck or place your food tent in this area.  Someone will be available to guide you to your reserved spot. 
  • Box trailer vendors – From registration, you will continue up the hill and to a stop sign. Go straight at the stop sign and the parking lot will be on your right at the Scott M. Niswonger Commons building, just before you would be crossing Shiloh.  You will park your box trailer in this area.  Someone will be available to guide you to your reserved spot.


 Notes of interest:

  • Campus Security will be working around the clock to assure the grounds are monitored. Indoor vendor spaces will be behind locked doors after hours to assure security inside the building. 
  • Food vendors, please know that the health inspector from the Health Department will be notified that the festival is taking place, so please be prepared.



We hope to have the website up and running in the near future!


As always, we look forward to having you on campus for the 28th Old Oak Festival!  Come and join us for the fun and festivities. 




Greg Fay

Old Oak Festival Chair

Tusculum University



For questions, please contact:

Greg Fay (Old Oak Festival Co-Chair – – 423-636-5093)

Matilda Green (Authors – – 423-329-5366)